Posts tagged with "Spring 2018"

28. February 2018
27. February 2018
23. February 2018
22. February 2018
More than an idea.
21. February 2018
Matthew Bates is the nephew of a dear friend of ours, Pete Corr, who passed away this last week, February 15. Matthew has been here from England for the last days of his uncle and after. He has inspired the next show entitled 'In Memory of Spring' and has left us with many of what he is calling ' floral sculptures'. This is one of his first excursions into collage which will be part of the new work shown in the Collage Gallery.
20. February 2018
16. February 2018
How much further must we go?
15. February 2018
An immensity of blue small enough to fit in our mouth or to hold in our hand. An immensity, too vast to comprehend and yet infinitesimal in our sight
14. February 2018
Moving from the darkness towards the light
13. February 2018

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