Reluctantly but thoughtfully called to celebrate

Collage by Eron Boyd


(Sorry to be late)

On the shores of the unknown

Much of our days are spent moving through the familiar

but there are times when the familiar takes leave and we are stopped and quieted

in the presence of something we have as yet no explanation for.


Collage by Vivien Felsen

Wondering where am I?

How do we see the wind?


Etching by David Blackwood

Illustrating the story Wake of the Great Sealers by Farley Mowat

Conversation around the table

Sharing our Christmas lunch

Birds of a feather...

Choosing the right four

The energy of opening up the space

Black hats

A day for little works and little flurries

The looking between One and the Other

Sae and I made these two collages simultaneously, sitting across from each other.

While we always do everything exactly opposite there is also always a connecting feeling.

In the blue collage the figure or being is looking directly at you the viewer, there is a relationship

between you and the creature. In the cactus collage the two figures are looking at each other,

we are witness to them and we can see that the feeling is gentle and direct. The expression of 

the figures of both collages have a very similar quality.


It seems that it is easy to see the obvious differences in the works, the colour pallet, the subject,

the composition, all conspire to convince us of their incompatibility. It is fun to contemplate the

pieces to find what is shared, hence the title 'The looking between One and the Other' . 


Hot bath is a good idea

making cards

Paper and glue

... and attention.

A fish out of water day

What is needed for the journey?

The good wishes and blessings of all those who care for us,

and who travel with us in their hearts.





Collage by Eron Boyd

from the etching 'The Circus' by Picasso

The Art of Animation

The last leaves have fallen

Trying to connect the line to somewhere

Gone Fishing

Three views of the same window

It is extraordinary to be reminded that even as we sit next to each other,

at the same table just inches apart,

 even as we look out of the same window

what we see through that window is not the same.

It is easy to imagine that what we experience with those close to us

in what seems to be a shared circumstance must be the same

but each of us has a very unique perception which informs our knowing.

It is always a challenge to express that perception to another.

Before the harvest

Today could be a painting

A Cast of many coming to the collage gallery


Papier-mâché sculptures by Sae Kimura

Part III What Lies Beneath

Part II Facing East

Part I Blue Ice

Up North

The feet came here.

Walking towards winter

A preview to the Up North Gallery

The beauty of winter light

Photographs by Miloslav Saly

                                        Milo Saly is a photographer and a frequent visitor to the gallery.

                                       When I first saw his work these stood out to me as extraordinary

                                       in their composition, depth and surprise of colour. What makes

                                         great photography is the ability to frame what you see in a

                                        way that allows the viewer to share in the experience.

flying girl and wind mill lady


Paintings by Rachel Berman 1946-2014


Rachel Berman's work is represented by the Ingram Gallery, Yorkville, Toronto

and can also be viewed online.

The Day After

Happy Halloween

A day of inquiry

Thursday collage, again

torn edges

Choosing to be in the light

Looking for the Doorway

A bit of a surprise

I wanna stay...I wanna go... keeps me in one place

movement today seems impossible

A Perfect Day

Over the Falls

The Sky Over Niagara Falls


Photos by Eron Boyd   October 7/8, 2023

Thursday Part II

Thursday Part I

Observers of Time Passing

Bronze sculpture of Frederick Banting and Charles Best in front of the MaRS building

where they did much of their work on the discovery of insulin ninety years ago.

This must be a fairly new acquisition because I have not been able to find out

who the artist is and when it was installed but I will keep looking.

The Winds of Winter Return

Finding pieces that converse together

Photographic work 

Far left and Right by Sim Posen

Glass triangle with transparencies by Sim Posen

Middle photo by Pamela Williams

And why do we forget and how do we remember?

Can we know why we do what we do? Part 2

Can we know why we do what we do? Part 1

The raw material for today.s collages

Listening is a nine letter word

Into the woods



a  mysterious recognition

and appreciation of the other

the sameness and differences

somehow balance

in an easy play of being


Harvest Moon


Remembering my animal nature

Red Bird Flies

Holding the Red Bird

Collaging the collages

dark room

sEen fRom A diStaNce


Reflecting Upon....

...the day

what has been accomplished

the world


the season and what it portends


and what to make for dinner



Painting by Luke Gilliam

Cabbagetown Arts and Craft Fair

The fair is set up from Friday til Sunday in the park next to Riverdale Farm

and many residents have set up yard sales throughout the neighbourhood.

Come and wander through.


between worlds

Tending to the house

A New Beginning

September always feels like the beginning of a new year, more somehow than January.

We are embarking on a journey that will take us who knows where.

All we can do is ready the ship, collect all of what we might need

and set sail.


Moved by the Wind

The set changes in the library

Gifts from a friend afar

Paintings by Nancy Thielemans

Friday collage, Seeing and Being Seen


under a little grey cloud

Today we are drawing a blank

Framing forms in space

Today, hanging a prayer

Caring for

On their way to Somewhere


Above are the copies of the paintings that we collaged with

shown in Blogs Four, Five, Three, Two, One.





Today we had a visitor, Jill Lawrence, come to work with us. We shared images, copies of four paintings and each of us chose, unbeknownst to the others, to use this sitting character in our collages. Placing him up a tree, in the clouds, on a wall, in a room.

You met this character in yesterday's blog 'The Bathers' by

Seurat. Starting with the same resource is a great way to appreciate the unique imagination of each person.


Today was a good day.

Cooling off

Painting by Georges Seurat

Today's gesture with the space

Summer in the city

Ice Cream Day

Moved by the Wind

We're here to tell you...

...that the gallery will be closed for the month of August,

opening again on the 5th of September.


Our blogs will continue to keep you updated on what's happening on the inside.

Waiting to Dive In

'Looking for Go Home Bay'    Photograph by Shozo Ushiroguchi


A copy of this piece is on display in the photographic gallery in Arcturus.

Tamed by the Beast

Collage by Sae Kimura


The temperature of colour and of a day

cooler in the shade, a welcome breeze

softened by clouds drifting over sun.

Heat is something we can smell, can breathe in

and out

coloured by weather.


Polkadogs, Steeples and Chair

A day of seemingly unrelated elements, moments,

translated into black and white,

a quieter version of chaos,

letting the differences slide, one into the other,

dots and dogs a typo

mistake or nothing in common

steeples rise and clouds float, faster in the wind

an expression of inward and outward contemplation,

embodied quizzically

in the holding of blue chair.


Please, take a seat.

Calling the Apple Angel

It takes time for a tree to bear fruit

and what is time?

seasons and weather

snow melting to roots drinking deeply

years of many days

small branches growing thicker almost imperceptible

leaves unfurling and blossoms few enough to count

each one a possibility

sapling to tree

colt to horse

puppy to dog

one moment you notice it has happened

something becomes what it was meant to be


the readiness to bear fruit.

Today's Crazy Quilt


It is not the individual pieces that matter here

but the fact that we sat around a table together

  engaging attention in a shared activity.


photographic gallery

In the last couple of weeks we have opened up

another space in the building to be a photographic gallery.

Here we can exhibit the many works that we have

  collected over the years.

Sim Posen whose work has  inspired this project

will be showing  work  from earlier shows as

well as new work.


Sublime 2


Waiting for the storm

Maybe this is not so far from here

we hope you can find such a place

everything is upside down

A Steamy Day

Looking for shade

Happy Canada Day

Taking direction from the Clampetts

Smoke in the City

Collage by Eron Boyd

Vertices, the Geometry of Curves.... on the edge of a vortex

What is a wish?

bird in a box... tomorrow

Theatre of the Absurd.... Today

Light on the wall.... Yesterday

He is out of the box

Chair moving me in it

Walking in the puddle

Partway Settled

Boxes part two

sky and lines

wednesday collages



coming in   going out

more in than out it seems

possible containers for some future use


filling the space til there are none


Collecting impressions from our surroundings

Harnessing Momentum and Juggling the Moon

Trying to make the all pieces fit

Part two

Tuesday Morning Reunion Part One

Building Ladders

Safe Within

Looking for Turquoise

Cat by any other name is still a cat

Dancing on the Head of a Pin

In afternoon light

Shelter from the Storm

At 7's and 8's with each other..

collage by deborah harris

collage by Eron Boyd

collage by Sae Kimura

collage by deborah harris

collage by Eron Boyd

out of the box

Collage and photo Eron Boyd

today's front desk

Taking One Step at a Time

The Strong Man needs his Assistant

Drawn to the Mysterious

Collage by Eron Boyd

The exhibit becomes an urban environment

Final Touches

Sneak Preview

We will host an opening reception on Saturday of this week from 2 - 5:30pm

You are invited to attend.

A Cast of Many


A show happens in a gallery and a gallery takes daily care and management.

The behind the scenes actors are essential. 

When a show is in process everyone does extra time.

We are such a  good team at the gallery that it is easy to take it for granted just how smoothly we all step up

but this is why the atmosphere of the gallery can be so enjoyed by visitors.

Sincere thanks to Eron Boyd, Mark Tai, Ed Drass and Cathy Stilo.

It would take many words to describe all that you do.

Building a Show

Building a show;-  ideas born in another time and place enter into the now.

The space of the gallery has its own nature and proportions and ideas must reshape to accommodate factual reality. This is not a concession but an opportunity for something unexpected to be revealed. We created a form to support an idea and that form took up occupation in the space in a way that could not have been imagined before. If we become rigidly tied to our ideas we can not recognize these gifts and will miss the possibility to grow creatively.

After all is not creativity the ability to continually improvise with our surroundings and circumstances?


This show is a collaboration between the works of  Gustavo Jabbaz and Joachim Oepkes photographers, Lysias Harris builder designer, Manny Parmar print installer, Sae Kimura mixed media artist and assistant to every possible task invented by deborah harris, her impulsive and erratic cohort and curator.   


Inner Circuitry

working together

A Delicate Respose

harmonious dissonance



'Leave your face on the sidewalk'

That was the old message.

Now we have our faces back.

May the sun smile upon you

as you also smile upon others.

Waiting for I'm not sure what

Sitting on the Steps, Repairing the Door Covering

Mask or Portrait

Collages in Collage Gallery by deborah harris

A Call to Remember

Rainy Day and Pencil Shavings

Sharing the Apple

Collecting Attention

Painting by Luke Gilliam

A Visit from George

Paper mache puppet by Sae Kimura

Surfing the Big Wind

Collage by Eron Boyd

Cows and Flowers

Cat Watching


finding circles

From the Library

                                            The spring rays of sunshine through the library windows

A Bit of a Whirlwind Day

When the three of us get together this is what it looks like!




The Mad Hatters Tea Party

Stacking and Racking

Different Views Same Path

Sanctuary for the living


Animals keep us sane



Collages by deborah harris

From dust to dust


A Perfect Winter Day

Two sides of the same coin

Paul Gauguin

Collage by deborah harris                             Collage by Sae Kimura

Yesterday Sae and I (deborah) took on the challenge to interpret the Gauguin painting in collage. We sat at the same table but did not see each others work til we were finished.

Surprisingly each of us had focused on

opposite aspects of the painting, background and foreground.  We were curious to see how they merged.  The results are shared here.


Mysteriously Compelling

Broken but mending

we demand so much from our bodies in all that we do

expecting they will follow our command

but sometimes they rebel and declare themselves wounded

we are surprised to find ourselves embraced by limitation

and the need to obey.

Holding on to Something

Happy Valentine's Day!

The creatures we create

Singing in the Rain

Two Sides to Every Story

After the Weekend


This is our latest video from the online collage workshop...#17. Enjoy!

Full Moon is on Her Way

Arrives Sunday 1:28pm

Cold with a hint of spring


Looking at the world through a different filter

Cranberry Muffin Day

Dry Ingredients;

2 cups almond flour

1 tsp baking soda

3 tblsp buckwheat flour


Wet Ingredients

1/2 cup olive oil

2 bananas

2 eggs

Stir dry and wet together  (bananas and eggs have been blended separately) and add 1 cup cranberries. Bake in 350 oven til done.

She is grateful for the snow

Soft Landing


Consider: To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on; to observe and examine; to regard with pity or sympathy; to have regard or respect for; to think seriously, maturely, or carefully; to reflect upon


Sending Our Prayers on the Wind

drawing room

We have just added these drawings by David Sapp to the Drawing Room Gallery on the third floor of Gallery Arcturus.

Catching the Last Rays

On a Mission

Collage by deborah harris


In a city of grey... the search for colour

Somedays what you want to accomplish just doesn't happen

Collage by Eron Boyd

Girls just wanna have fun

Trying to Understand

Two Hours

Paper and Glue

Ninety-nine Sitting Birds on a Wire

Ninety-nine sitting birds on a wire,

ninety-nine birds on a wire.

If one of those birds should happen to fly...

Ninety-eight sitting birds on a wire.


Change happens one bird at a time.