finding a fragment of an image
left lying on the table.
Every semblance of identity removed
and what remains?
eye and nose, closely cropped
looking at a single point of focus, me
when I return that stare..
The face, incomplete
seeks another eye.
In paisley landscape what seems to be
an inward gaze and where the lines converge and twist
small circle, questioning, surprised,
a mouth
The features are expressed.
Without a body the face is a mask.
A body gives place to a face.
When it sits the face can nestle
drop in between the shoulders
chin slide towards resolve.
make agreement with visage
spontaneously sharing a language
known by habit.
Legs and arms are limbs from the same tree.
They may have sprouted from the head, roots
from the lima bean experiment in grade one.
The possibility of moving is in the feet
or of waiting
to stay or to go.
Going is compact but serious.
Staying is inappropriate in the rough terrain
but tempting.
She could almost disappear in the surroundings
is porcelain against the rocks.
Light blushes crystal
bewitching time at sunset
sacred and auspicious,
to be here now.