These two collages were created by Sae Kimura. The top one was made on Tuesday at the gallery.
Because it was made there she felt that she had to finish it in the time we were working together.
On Wednesday morning we had a very long conversation about process and my mandate that
the piece is not done until you love it. She informed me that she was not satisfied with the
collage that she had made so I suggested that she make a photo copy of the collage,
take it apart and continue with it, not stopping until she was satisfied. The result is the lower collage.
It seems to me that there are moments in any creative process when it doesn't appear that it is coming together in a way that resonates.
It is easy to give up at that point but if you stay then you are challenged to be truly creative in the way you resolve it.
It is exciting to observe happening, as it moves towards completion.
Happy New Year
A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face is always predominant.
In arts, a portrait can be represented as half body and even full body.
If the subject in full body better represents personality and mood, this type of presentation may be chosen.
The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person.
crossing the desert
carrying what is left of the flag
face hidden beneath the stars.
Sheep huddle a distance behind
they do not know if she is friend or foe,
they don't remember when she was their shepherd,
when she kept them safe.
Liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
freedom from control, thinking, speaking , according to choice.
freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint:
Joseph Lammirato generously constructs and installs his works on telephone poles
on streets in cities far and wide. He has created these new works and hung them on
the wall surrounding the outside courtyard at the gallery. It seems when you stand
next to them that you are seeing music written on the fence.
Please come and visit.
finding a fragment of an image
left lying on the table.
Every semblance of identity removed
and what remains?
eye and nose, closely cropped
looking at a single point of focus, me
when I return that stare..
The face, incomplete
seeks another eye.
In paisley landscape what seems to be
an inward gaze and where the lines converge and twist
small circle, questioning, surprised,
a mouth
The features are expressed.
Without a body the face is a mask.
A body gives place to a face.
When it sits the face can nestle
drop in between the shoulders
chin slide towards resolve.
make agreement with visage
spontaneously sharing a language
known by habit.
Legs and arms are limbs from the same tree.
They may have sprouted from the head, roots
from the lima bean experiment in grade one.
The possibility of moving is in the feet
or of waiting
to stay or to go.
Going is compact but serious.
Staying is inappropriate in the rough terrain
but tempting.
She could almost disappear in the surroundings
is porcelain against the rocks.
Light blushes crystal
bewitching time at sunset
sacred and auspicious,
to be here now.
This collage was made for a little big Leo friend, Oto, for his 4th birthday.
Big energy in a small body.
A little bird told me so.
Boro (ぼろ) are a class of Japanese textiles that have been mended or patched together.[1] The term is derived from the Japanese term "boroboro", meaning something tattered or repaired.[2] The term 'boro' typically refers to cotton, linen and hemp materials, mostly hand-woven by peasant farmers, that have been stitched or re-woven together to create an often many-layered material used for warm, practical clothing.