Sitting on Eggs


The Art of Boro


Boro (ぼろ) are a class of Japanese textiles that have been mended or patched together.[1] The term is derived from the Japanese term "boroboro", meaning something tattered or repaired.[2] The term 'boro' typically refers to cotton, linen and hemp materials, mostly hand-woven by peasant farmers, that have been stitched or re-woven together to create an often many-layered material used for warm, practical clothing.


Butterfly landing in nature's collage

"Artists together"...

                              ...as our friend Floyd Kuptana used to say.

Elemental Beings

Singin' in the Rain

Friday Assembly


Video installation by Joachim Oepkes

A Rainy Day in July

Panning for Gold

Red meets yellow

Looking for red

From one room to another

something to be explored

Questions open doors

...answers close them


                                       try to keep asking

A Pissarro Day

  Berneval Meadows Morning

Camille Pissarro 1830-1903


A little bit of matcha green

(It looks bigger because it's closer than the boot)

Play Day


Jean Édouard Vuillard (French artist, 1868-1940)

Marie at the Balcony Railing 1893


In the heat of the moment

Collage by Eron Boyd

Shades of black and white

Observing the creative process


Sometimes in collage workshops participants will express

that they are bored that their work seems to repeat patterns.

I believe recognizing our patterns makes perception visible.

We are able to see what we see or rather how we see.


Perhaps repetition is an attempt to penetrate understanding?


The above paintings are by Giorgio de Chirico.


Almost Falling Over

Too Much to Attend to...





...but nothing has dropped yet.

May I have compassion

Overcoming Their Differences

A show of hands

Revealing what is just below the surface

Aligned with the center

In the pink

Beauty is a gift

Sharing Inspiration

Today we had a visit from our friend Eric McConachie who lives and paints at his home in Haliburton.

During our visit he shared stories with us of Peter Camani.

This video will introduce him also to you.


Sometimes when I open my mouth

a rhino comes out running

another pauses close behind


Running and Considering

friendly siblings

on either side of expression.



Ascending to the top floor

The writing is on the wall

Out of the boudoir into the feild, a collage journey

Collage by deborah harris

Painting by Pierre Bonnard 1867-1947

A fugue in three movements

Collage by deborah harris

Collage by Jill Lawrence

Collage by Eron Boyd

Crow complains and Eagle listens

Photo by Dominique Cruchet


"The spring is here and the fields are full of yellow color and we met a crow and an eagle having a conversation in the middle of a field. It felt joyous to have seen them and that they kept arguing in front of us."


From Joan Cullen  and Dominique Cruchet in Prince Edward Island



Finding ourselves at the table Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

One pigeon to another, "Thank goodness it's Friday!"

Somewhere between a rock and a hard place the flowers grow

Lift Off

A big small space

Three Faces

Collage by deborah harris

The Rescue

Today we changed the Library to be home to the painting 'Wolf' by Travis Shilling.

Travis Shilling is represented by Ingram Gallery in Yorkville where he has been showing since 2012

You can treat yourself to a  view of these exhibitions on their website.


Holding onto a white flag

The place is here


Sitting with her shadow

Looking Up

Impossibly light and impossibly heavy



Visiting birds

A day of complex emotion

Riding the weather

Falling Asleep

trying to tame the beast

Walking through an arbour of blossoms

Early morning Odawara, Kanagawa, Japan

Head in the wind, foot in the box

What is truth?

Without Words

The Wind Rages

Open to Receive

Seeing Through a Veil of Green

Clouds Gathering

It's Spring!

what goes up must come down

The first step can be the hardest

A Brown Button Day

Friday Part 2 - He's kind of missing the point

Friday Part 1 - On a slow boat to China

Waiting for the rain

Receiving the sunlight

In the Dark Room

Daniel Hanequand had direct experience of war. Some years after surviving that experience he made these

pieces, eight in total. We did not have occasion to meet him but we met his wife, Maria Carla, and she

bequeathed some of his work to us. I think that we are living in a time when we need to reflect upon the

madness and sacrifice of war. It is a privilege to be able to show this work which does not champion

political sides but instead awakes us to the enormous cost to all of us if we allow ourselves to be infected

by hate.

A day with many layers



Collage by deborah harris


Wind and Sun and Chocolate (TGIF)

"Today the wind is not mean."  SK

Room with a View
























                                                             Collage by Eron Boyd

On a path of recurrence

Looking Up

Where to look if you loose your baguette

Photograph by Simeon Posen, collage intervention by deborah harris

As Different as Night and Day

Catching a magic moment

A meeting in the library with three engineering students

How to describe a space which is not merely shaped by walls and ceiling and floors

a space which is held and shaped by attention

a space which changes shape by the questions it poses, by the forms placed in it.

Happy birthday Floyd

Eleven Pigeons Sitting

Welcoming the Year of the Dragon

Somethings are too overwhelming to explain.... but we can try


Today's inquiry... what is skill , the ability , through repeated practice to do something well, what part does skill play in all creative endeavors and

what is that other part, the mysterious inspiration which sparks that skill.


A ship takes skill to build, the skill and strength of many workers.


A wave does not take skill,  a wave happens.

Shadow Play

Unlikely Liasons

Stepping out of the line